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Welcome to our Sixth Form. Our aim is that all students leave us able to make informed, ambitious choices for their futures.

The Sixth Form overall entry criteria is as follows: 

  • 5+ EN/MA

  • 6+ in chosen A-Level subjects and/or

  • 7+ in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths

  • 8+ in Further Maths

Our school philosophy of 'kaizen' (continuous improvement) enables our students and staff to aim high at all times so that every individual can attain their best. Lessons in Sixth Form are led by knowledgeable, passionate teachers who ensure no-one is left behind and all students gain the skills and qualifications needed to go on to the university or career of their choice. Students benefit from a highly supportive environment where, alongside their studies, they develop as young leaders by making meaningful contributions to the school community and beyond.


Use the links below and the options on the drop down menu to learn more.

We encourage you to -

  • Read our Sixth Form Prospectus for a full overview of the courses we offer  – including entry requirements for each subject


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